Hey there, everyone!
I recently acquired a new Bullet Journal and I have been dying to share it. I finally have the pictures ready. Whatever section I mentioned in my Bullet Journal Series but don't mention here is because they stayed the same. So, here goes.
I love making my own covers for binders and notebooks. I got this customizable Mead Five Star Flex Hybrid Binder in Amazon for $10.99 in white. I love these notebooks because they are super durable and you need only refill with looseleaf. The notebook even comes with 5 dividers, 2 of which double as pocket folders. If you're a student, do yourself a favor and sign up for Amazon Prime for Students. You get 6 months of free two-day shipping which is amazing for the moments you need supplies or textbooks in a hurry. And then, when your trial is up, you can register for Amazon Prime with a student discount of half off. You'd only be paying a yearly rate of $49!
As you can see, I went for a full sized notebook. I did this because I like having the space. Even if I don't use 100% of it, I like the commodity of knowing that if I were to need the space, it's there. I also use print-outs and those are usually in full letter size. My small MUJI notebook was simply not cutting it.
Weekly Schedule
Right when I open my Bullet Journal, I thought it would be best to have an outline of what my weeks is looking/looks like. This schedule does change as the week goes on because events get added or removed as you move along. But it is nice to have, at the very least, a skeleton of an outline.
This part stayed pretty much the same as I had previously showed it. I just made it bigger and a little neater by doing it on graph paper.
New Additions: Labeled Pocket Folders
This is probably my favorite part. I would have things to explore and I would find articles and print-outs but I would have nowhere to put them. I decided that with the full-sized notebook, I would have to incorporate some kind of labeled folder system. The Flex Hybrid Binder helped a lot with that because it is very similar to a binder in that you can move everything around and arrange the way it suits you best.
I made one pocket folder hold my explored info and the other hold any other kind of paper I my want to maintain in my possession.
And that's all my, my lovelies!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask or visit the Bullet Journal Series page.
Or visit my Tumblr.