Tuesday, June 30, 2015

#JuneBulletJournalChallenge: Day 7


I don’t normally meal plan in my bullet journal but I did it just for you all! Although, this is a really nifty idea... I might just take it up!

#JuneBulletJournalChallenge: Day 6


A hack I have been incorporating into my bullet journal is the spiraldex.

This allows me to be able to plan out my day and see it whenever I need to in my bullet journal. All of it becomes very accessible. For more information on how to get your hands on a spiraldex and getting to know how to use it, you can visit my post all about it here.

Monday, June 29, 2015

#JuneBulletJournalChallenge: Day 5

Almost Done

There is nothing like the feeling you get when you're nearly at the finish line of anything you're doing; be it a marathon or a task list. The Bullet Journal allows me to get that sensation every day. And the best part is, it never gets old. Above is shown my day on June 5th, 2015. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

#JuneBulletJournalChallenge: Day 4

Routine to Keep Your Bullet Journal Updated

I make sure to move over the tasks that I did not finish the day before to the current day. I want to be sure to cover all my bases to I break down the tasks down to separate parts. I like to mark things off after I'm done with them or have gone as far as I could for the time being (that's an incomplete). At the end of the day or the beginning of the next, I start the following day's block. I haven't done it yet for the month of June, but under normal circumstances, I would also prepare and tape a spiraldex into my bullet journal for that day. But that is for another time :)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

#30DayStudyChallenge: Day 05

Write A Page of Notes With At Least One Diagram Or Flow Chart

When I make charts like this, it is so that I am able to see the whole spread of information. I can ask the different block of information questions, and those questions are what I bring to class ready to ask the next day. In this case, the two sides are the two definitions of the the large title at the top center of the page. The middle column contains the information pertaining to the common fast of the two side columns. So, this is kind of like a venn diagram. All the orange of questions and the information below it are answers.

I've seen very complicated study notes in this style, but this is the first one that has worked for me.

I am way behind on this challenge but I’m happy to be getting back on track with it. Here are my Sabbath School notes from today’s lesson. I will be using this as a lesson plan on Saturday for my class :) So excited!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

#JuneBulletJournalChallenge: Day 3

How Did You Overcome Bullet Journal Cons?

The only real con I found in bullet journals was you can’t really add in calendar dates further than the month you’re in. Google Calendar definitely fixed that con for me, though. Other than that, the bullet journal was all pro for me. 
I could make the notebook part anything I want. Like perhaps this gorgeous MUJI binder.

I can color code as I please and make new symbols for important things that go into my bullet journal.  And I filled mine with graph ruled paper which makes for neater presentation.

The index is an “as you write” set-up which is fantastic for making sure I have enough space for everything! Same goes for the monthly layout. The creator’s video assigns one line per day but that’s just not enough for me so I put three. It also allows for Monthly Goals/Reminders. I’ve added in Weekly Goals, as well.
It’s exactly these kinds of modifications that make the bullet journal so wonderful!

And then my days can get set up as needed, with however much space I may need.

And everything looks fantastic and neat!
So, you see. No cons here!

#JuneBulletJournalChallenge: Day 2

Useful Lists

Here is a list of useful lists that you can add to your bullet journal along the way and can always come back to. Just remember to add it to your index!

Monday, June 1, 2015

#JuneBulletJournalChallenge: Day 1

How Long Does It Take You to Set Up Your Bullet Journal?

I love the flexibility of the Bullet Journal. I've seen some pretty elaborate set-ups for bullet journals and it's great that all of those are possibilities in a planner. However, for me, it was its simplicity and straightforwardness that totally reeled me in.

My daily set up practically just involves the day and date at the top of the the Day's Block. After that, it's just a matter of listing the day's tasks, further explorations, quotes, inspirations, and events that may come at me (happens more often then I'll ever admit). This is just the beginning of the day. More gets added on during the day. It's fun to look at what my daily block contains at the end of the day.

June Bullet Journal Challenge

I am so excited to be starting this challenge for the month of June. Tiny Ray of Sunshine created one for the month of May and decided to take up the task once again for the month of June. I cannot thank her enough.

This Challenge has been a long time coming. For a while, I have felt that my Bullet Journal needed a little sprucing. On my IG account, I follow many planner blogs. I see all kinds of planners on there; everything from Eric Condren to Kate Spade, kikkik.k, Louis Vuitton, and filofax. Washi tape and custom planner inserts fill my mind with possibilities that my Bullet Journal needs to catch up to. It'll be interesting going on this little adventure this month. 

Let's see where the road leads! Follow me on it :)