We're back with Motivation Monday! Sorry that this is a day late, but yesterday became hectic with my great-grandmother ending up in the hospital. She's stable now but keep her in your thoughts and prayers. This post will be modeled after advice she's given me before...
While all other Motivation Monday posts tend to be about pushing onward, I would like you to check-in with yourself. It can become very easy to overlook what you've already accomplished when you're constantly looking toward the next thing that needs to get done.
For college students, this struggle is all too familiar. As each semester winds down it can become very easy to feel like you're slowly drowning in a cup of water. You can slowly feel the energy drain out of you, words are not so easy to find when you're pounding out an essay or three a day. In those moments, it is a good idea to take a beat and realize how much you have done to give a little extra umph in getting through the finish line.
Part of being able to do this successfully is understanding that all your hard work is portion of a process. Good things comes to those who wait, is what they say. I have had to learn this the hard way. Those of you that have been following me for a while know that I finished my first semester of college with a 1.166 GPA.
Here are what my semesters looked like, successively:
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Fall 2014 |
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Spring 2015 |
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Fall 2015 |
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Spring 2016 |
It's been a process, and there have definitely been trip-ups, but they become much more than that when you use them as motivation. I am learning to do that and can attest to its success, I can now say that I have finished at LaGuardia Community College with a 3.139 GPA. I am so happy and I know I have a lot to go, but it's all a process.
The next time you're feeling like your school, and all the work that comes with it, is slowly draining you. Take a moment to breathe in and out deeply, it would help to use this visual to breathe as profoundly as possible. Think back to your accomplishments, think about all the work that you put in for them, think about how much you felt in those moments that your stress went on without end. Think about how you pulled through and you're a better person and more skillful than you were then. Once you are reassured in your ability and perseverance, you can then continue on with your work because you can absolutely do this!
I'll be moving these Motivation Monday posts to the second Monday of each month.
Join me for the next one!