Sundays are the day where I get ready for the rest of the week. Weekly planning sessions happen then and now, so does Spiraldex printing haha! I love using my colorful pens and highlighters and taking control once again, if I happened to have lost it by the end of the previous week.
I honestly believe that it is not beneficial for you to get stuck on what you didn't do. That's why the Bullet Journal is an amazing system to get you into the mindset. You just move the task forward to the next day. It's also a great way to teach you how to not overload your day. You get to see how much you are actually able to complete during your day. But this is not a post about my Bullet Journal. If you would like to know more, go to the Bullet Journal Series page on my blog or click here.
I want to talk about another organization method I have to get a quick scope at how my week will look like.
Thanks to the wonderful blog, iHeartOrganizing, I was introduced to the weekly spread. Is it very obvious that she puts a lot of effort and passion into her work. Her Weekly Routine Printable found on her "Free Printables" page is my best friend. For the most part, my weeks remain unchanged but if I feel I need to make adjustments at the start of the week, filling out my weekly routine planner works marvels.
I use my MUJI pens in .38mm width because the spaces are really tiny, so they allow me to be precise. I use highlighters of the same color of the day with the matching pen to outline every individual event I need to get done during that day.
This whole process is probably what I look forward to the most at the start of my week.
The only thing I would like to see more of on this weekly planning template is hours. But I guess, that's why I have the spiraldex system for day-to-day 24 hour coverage.
Hi, very good of you to organize your thoughts and your professional duties this way. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteI agree it is so important not to stress about what didn't get accomplished. I enjoy reading about your system and seeing the weekly spread in use! Thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for reading :) Let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to cover. I will be more than happy to.