How Did You Overcome Bullet Journal Cons?
The only real con I found in bullet journals was you can’t really add in calendar dates further than the month you’re in. Google Calendar definitely fixed that con for me, though. Other than that, the bullet journal was all pro for me.
I could make the notebook part anything I want. Like perhaps this gorgeous MUJI binder.
I can color code as I please and make new symbols for important things that go into my bullet journal. And I filled mine with graph ruled paper which makes for neater presentation.
The index is an “as you write” set-up which is fantastic for making sure I have enough space for everything! Same goes for the monthly layout. The creator’s video assigns one line per day but that’s just not enough for me so I put three. It also allows for Monthly Goals/Reminders. I’ve added in Weekly Goals, as well.
It’s exactly these kinds of modifications that make the bullet journal so wonderful!
And then my days can get set up as needed, with however much space I may need.
And everything looks fantastic and neat!
So, you see. No cons here!
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