Monday, July 6, 2015

#JulyBulletJournalChallenge: Day 6

My Advice on How To Start A 

Bullet Journal

For those of you that have been following me for a while, you know that my first series of posts consisted of The Bullet Journal Series.

My advice to you? Go check out my Bullet Journal Series Page!

In it, I walk you through setting each individual section up. There is also a section where I point you to helpful resources for you to check out in your new Bullet Journal Journey.

So, go go go!

And join me again mañana (tomorrow) for Day 7!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

#JulyBulletJournalChallenge: Day 5

Future Planning

Hello everyone! Welcome back to this wonderful challenge. Today I will be discussing future planning in my Bullet Journal. How that occurs, how I keep track, and how I organize it are all questions I will answer. So, without furthermore, let’s get started!

I have it understood that Future Planning is now a section in the new Bullet Journal layout, which you can check out here. However, I’m considered old school with my Bullet Journal because the old format did not have a section for future planning but I adjusted the way I did so.
When it’s an event within the month that is in progress, I add the event and it’s info to my daily block:

On Friday, the 3rd of July, I was informed I would be having practice with the praise team at my house (which explains the lack of location info in the bullet). The bullet gets made and, as is customary, the event gets added on to the month’s calendar, like so:

It’s the last event on that string of events on the 4th. However, what happens when it’s an event in the coming months or even years?
I did not have a “Future Planning” section, so I had to find a way to do so. I decided it best to add the bullet to my daily block, same as with the event that falls within the month.

Three bullets for events get added on to my daily block. But this wasn’t enough for me. I needed to have these events somewhere else where I would remember to look. And then it hit me. The “Monthly Reminders” section is the perfect place for this because I would always check it when I moved on to the next month.

And there you have it!

If this method seems to much for your needs, which is absolutely normal and okay, on the Bullet Journal Website, they have the future planning section and explain how it works and how to set it up :)
Come back tomorrow for Day 6 of the #bulletjournalchallenge! 😊

Saturday, July 4, 2015

#JulyBulletJournalChallenge: Day 4

Index or Alternative Index?

I use the Index that was given with the original bullet journal. However, I’ve made a few modifications. I do color-code here, too. and I place the symbol of each respective important entry (like ~ [list] and • [note]) while the months stay straightforward. And that’s it :) I make sure to update as I go.
Join me again for Day 5, mañana!
See the rest of the days here.

Friday, July 3, 2015

#JulyBulletJournalChallenge: Day 3

Do You Use the Old or the New Bullets?

I use the old bullets. It's what I was introduced to the bullet journal with and have been using for nearly a year now. I know my symbols and what they mean. Maybe eventually I'll try to take up the new ones.

However, I have recently (and by recently I mean since the first of July) taken up one element of the new bullets. The ">" for migrating tasks instead of wasting ink by drawing out the whole line and arrow.

I just draw the ">" and move the task to the next day, like so:

Other than that, I follow the old system as is. You can check out all my symbols and their color-coding in this post.

Join me again tomorrow for Day 4 of the #bulletjournalchallenge!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

#JulyBulletJournalChallenge: Day 2

Weekly/Monthly Sections

The monthly and weekly sections are what's next in setting up your bullet journal. These sections are super useful because you can use them to track habits, goals, and reminders. 

Here are what mine look like:

In the Weekly Routines section, I like to place things that I'm trying to make a habit of. Monthly Reminders encompass recurring payments of any sort, or future events that I need to remember to carry over the next month. Monthly Goals are tasks that aren't going to take a day or a week to complete. 

I added Monthly Goals to my Bullet Journal because it fit my needs. That's what's best about the Bullet Journal is the ability to customize :)

#JulyBulletJournalChallenge: Day 1

Month Calendar

To kick off the challenge, the first thing that we set up when a new month comes rolling around in our bullet journals: the month's calendar. This is probably one of the most exciting parts of having a bullet journal. Your creative juices can flow here as much as you want. I choose a pretty straight forward layout.

I like to leave a lot of space between days because sometimes I have 5 or 6 events happening the same day and I need to be ready for that. Everything else stays pretty standard.

If you would like to know more about my bullet journal and how to set yours up, you can check it out here and here.

#30DayStudyChallenge: Day 6

Nice Cuppa Whatever

Normally, in the morning, I would fill this cup with some good homemade iced coffee, but today I felt like drinking iced tea :)

This is my favorite mug for two reasons:
  1. It's jumbo size! I I can eat cereal in it and be comfortable, or serve myself a cup full of ice cream after a bad date and be satisfied with the amount.
  2. The phrase on the mug is something I would totally say. The profanity is not overbearing and I can already see the smirk on my face while saying it, because s*** really does get real up in that mug.

**For those that would like to know, I got this mug at Urban Outfitters about a year and a half ago.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I am super excited to be a part of this movement. There has been a lot I've learned from all the amazing people that have tagged their bullet journal pages on Instagram. If you would like to see all of them, click here or you can search the hashtag "#bulletjournalchallenge" on Instagram. You can see mine on my Instagram, too.

Kim, the founder of Tiny Ray of Sunshine, is also the creator of this wonderful challenge. As you all know, I am a HUGE fan of the bullet journal and it was to my complete and utter delight for a Bullet Journal Challenge to immerse. I tried to keep up with it last month (see it here), but I only got as far as Day 7 (woops!) and that was because I post Day 5 through Day 7 on the 29th of June and yesterday, the 30th (double woops!). It was finals month for me, so there was that.

However, July is a new month! And I am ready to take on the challenge! Join me as I embark on this mini adventure. I'm sure we're in for loads of fun!

Lastly, I would like to give a special shout-out and thanks to Kim for having featured me on her blog post, summarizing the amazing month of challenge we had this past June. I was totally honored and humbled. You can see her blog post here.

Without any further ado, here is July's Bullet Journal Challenge printout which Tiny Ray of Sunshine made in collaboration with