Sunday, July 5, 2015

#JulyBulletJournalChallenge: Day 5

Future Planning

Hello everyone! Welcome back to this wonderful challenge. Today I will be discussing future planning in my Bullet Journal. How that occurs, how I keep track, and how I organize it are all questions I will answer. So, without furthermore, let’s get started!

I have it understood that Future Planning is now a section in the new Bullet Journal layout, which you can check out here. However, I’m considered old school with my Bullet Journal because the old format did not have a section for future planning but I adjusted the way I did so.
When it’s an event within the month that is in progress, I add the event and it’s info to my daily block:

On Friday, the 3rd of July, I was informed I would be having practice with the praise team at my house (which explains the lack of location info in the bullet). The bullet gets made and, as is customary, the event gets added on to the month’s calendar, like so:

It’s the last event on that string of events on the 4th. However, what happens when it’s an event in the coming months or even years?
I did not have a “Future Planning” section, so I had to find a way to do so. I decided it best to add the bullet to my daily block, same as with the event that falls within the month.

Three bullets for events get added on to my daily block. But this wasn’t enough for me. I needed to have these events somewhere else where I would remember to look. And then it hit me. The “Monthly Reminders” section is the perfect place for this because I would always check it when I moved on to the next month.

And there you have it!

If this method seems to much for your needs, which is absolutely normal and okay, on the Bullet Journal Website, they have the future planning section and explain how it works and how to set it up :)
Come back tomorrow for Day 6 of the #bulletjournalchallenge! 😊

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