Friday, July 3, 2015

#JulyBulletJournalChallenge: Day 3

Do You Use the Old or the New Bullets?

I use the old bullets. It's what I was introduced to the bullet journal with and have been using for nearly a year now. I know my symbols and what they mean. Maybe eventually I'll try to take up the new ones.

However, I have recently (and by recently I mean since the first of July) taken up one element of the new bullets. The ">" for migrating tasks instead of wasting ink by drawing out the whole line and arrow.

I just draw the ">" and move the task to the next day, like so:

Other than that, I follow the old system as is. You can check out all my symbols and their color-coding in this post.

Join me again tomorrow for Day 4 of the #bulletjournalchallenge!

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